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Mayor of Venice warns anyone heard shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ in city will be SHOT INSTANTLY

The mayor of the beautiful Italian city Venice has announced that he has deployed snipers across the area who will instantly shoot anyone who is heard screaming ‘Allah Akbar.’ This decision comes at a time when there is a great deal of concern in major European cities about Islamic terrorism, especially after the deadly Barcelona attack.
Luigi Brugnaro added that he has ‘never been politically correct,’ and it seems that he had no qualms about taking this drastic action to prevent terrorist acts from being carried out in Venice.

It also means that anyone who simply screams the phrase to generate fear also risks being shot on sight. He said: “Anyone who shouts Allahu Akbar in St Mark’s Square can expect to be gunned down by snipers within four paces.” He also said that anyone caught doing this would be ‘sent straight to Allah.’
While his tough-talking is one thing, you have to admire the fact that his words are being backed up with action. Saying that you are going to tackle terrorism is one thing, but actually putting people on the streets to ‘take care of business’ is another.

There will be people who disagree with this approach, but they should ask themselves one simple question: What alternative do we have right now? If anyone is stupid enough to utter these words loudly in a public place, surely they have to expect consequences given the current situation.
More importantly, anyone who is now silly enough to try and carry out a terrorist act in an often-packed Venice can expect their efforts to be quickly squashed.



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