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Former FBI Agent: ‘Vast Majority’ of US Mosques and Islamic Centers are Part of ‘Jihad Network’


According to statistics there are over 2,200 Islamic centers and mosques in America, and over 75% of these are part of the Muslim Brotherhood network because they are owned by the NorthAmerican Islamic Trust, which is a bank. Special Agent John Guandolo was tasked with training agents on how to deal with these jihadi networks.
He said “in 2006, I put together the first training program inside the government on the jihadi network in the United States… and was able to sneak a second one in in early 2007.”

Guandolo trained “quite a number of agents from a variety of agencies,” including the Department of Justice, before the government shut down the programs. He mentioned that the “most prominent Muslim BrotherhoodOrganizations like the Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council, and the Hamas organization called the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) — complained to the White House about the training inside the government at the FBI.”

Guandolo said he “came to understand very deeply the massive jihadi network we have in the United States” and discovered that “the leaders of the Islamic organizations… were actually interfacing with government leaders and advising them with how to proceed in the war on terror, as it was called.”

Guandolo realized that “we were being advised by the enemy on how to investigate and deal with the enemy” and “and that’s why I started the training.”
He mentioned that in the U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation case in 2008, a 15-year FBI investigation that was revealed demonstrated “that the most prominent Islamic organizations in America and North America are a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the jihadi network here.”

Guandolo said that “internal documents entered into evidence say that the purpose of this network is to wage civilization jihad… until the entire world, and specifically the United


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