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View this urgent message from PJTN Founder Laurie Cardoza-Moore:   

Today I am emphatically calling on all PJTN “Watchmen” and all concerned Americans to join “The Million Signature March," a national petition to demand the immediate resignation of Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
UPDATE: In the cases of Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib, these three uneducated Congresswomen who arose from the anti-Semitic, un-American, Women’s March are waging an unholy war in Congress to belittle the Holocaust, normalize anti-Semitism, mainstream anti-Americanism and whitewash Islamism. We the people, will not idly stand by as subversive forces openly work to destroy our country from within.
Time is urgent! When news broke last week of her shameful anti-Semitic messaging, President Trump called for her to resign from her Congressional seat. Even her own Democrat colleagues echoed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s tepid call for Omar to apologize. 
Fast forward to today:  
Where is the follow-up outrage to demand her resignation?  
Where is the investigative reporting to demand answers to why an unrepentant anti-Semite and supporter of America’s enemies has been given a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee?  
AND Where is Omar today… Laughing in the face of her detractors—including President Trump—and still privy to the classified information in the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
The media has buried the story and moved on, hoping we will follow their lead!  We cannot be silent in the face of an elected official who poses a threat to our very national security!
Ilhan Omar must learn that concerned Americans such as you and me stand firmly with our Jewish brethren. We must stand in solidarity to affirm that she will not be allowed to use the heart of American democracy and freedom to defame God’s chosen people and God’s chosen land.
Do we have valid reasons to know that she is a threat to our national security? 
YES—and let me outline why:
  • Omar has ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorist fundraising operation in the history of the U.S. 
  • Omar is due to speak this month at a fundraising event for Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA), an affiliate of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), the largest international Islamic charity in the world. The connections between the IRUSA, the IRW and terrorism should raise a red flag. In 1999, the IRW accepted a $50,000 check from Osama Bin Laden. In 2006, Israel arrested its project coordinator in Gaza office for funneling money to Hamas. In June 2014, Israel officially declared the organization to be illegal and banned it from operating in Israel and the Palestinian territories. In November 2014, the United Arab Emirates declared the IRW to be a terrorist group.
  • To add more fuel to the fire of her IRUSA speaking engagement, she will be speaking alongside senior IRUSA official Yousef Abdallah, who was widely criticized in 2017 after the Middle East Forum found he had expressed violently anti-Semitic ideas on his social media accounts.
The indication of her true politics came when she lashed out against Israel by tweeting in 2012: 
     “Israel has hypnotized the world.  May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”
Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitic messaging has also brought to light her ties to several Muslim Brotherhood front groups. We are now calling on the Justice Department to launch a full and thorough investigation into this matter of national security.
WE must take action today!  
Sign the petition and share the petition link and my video message within your family, friends, and social media contacts.  
Our goal of one million signatures is within our reach.
Let your voice be heard and sign the petition today!    


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