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JUST IN : Twitter Raised Death Penalty punishment Michelle Malkin for Violating Sharia Law, After Michelle Malkin sent out a tweet depicting Mohammed

Author and political commentator Michelle Malkin was stunned to receive a message from Twitter legal advising her to seek legal counsel after she allegedly violated Pakistani law by tweeting a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed. Publishing images of Muhammad is strictly forbidden by Islamic law and violations are punishable by imprisonment or death. The Pakistani government is surely pleased that Twitter delivered the death threat to Malkin for them.
Aside by being co-founded by a Leftist, Twitter may also have started enforcing Sharia law because Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, which is governed by Sharia Law, owns the second-largest share of the platform. His share of the company is even larger than that of Twitter’s co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey.
Activist Laura Loomer was banned by Twitter after criticizing Rep. Ilham Omar (D-Minn.), a practicing Muslim.
Turn the page for full details and the mentioned tweets.

After Michelle Malkin sent out a tweet depicting Mohammed in cartoon form she received a notice from the Twitter legal department that she in violation of Pakistani Sharia Law. The platform advised her to obtain legal counsel because of the complaints they have received from Muslims.
“I’ve been  -ed. Here’s the notice Twitter’s legal dept sent me last week, warning me to get legal counsel because anti-blasphemy Muslim zealots complained that my Mohammed Cartoons tweet violates Pakistan’s laws,” Malkin said.

I've been -ed. Here's the notice Twitter's legal dept sent me last week, warning me to get legal counsel because anti-blasphemy Muslim zealots complained that my Mohammed Cartoons tweet violates Pakistan's laws. @miss9afi @Imamofpeace

Malkin posted a photo of the email from the micro-blogging giant, which told her that a 2015 Tweet “is in violation of Pakistan law. The Tweet in question features cartoon drawings of the false Islamic prophet prophet Mohammed:
Turn to the final page for Malkin’s response.

In an article published this month, Malkin says she’s been “Silicon Valley sharia’d” after Twitter acted as Pakistani police, sending her notice that her Tweet from 2015 had violated Sharia law.
“My innocuous tweet featured a compilation image of the 12 Muhammad cartoons published by Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005,” Malkin said in a post on her website. “It also linked to my Jan. 8, 2015, syndicated column on the Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre in Paris. There’s no hate, violence, profanity or pornography, just harmless drawings and peacefully expressed opinions about the Western media’s futile attempts to appease the unappeasable enforcers of sharia law, which bans all insults of Islam.”
Images of the prophet Mohammed are strictly prohibited by Islamic law, which is effectively the law of the land in Pakistan.
Malkin is not the first Twitter user to be threatened by the company for criticizing Islam.
“Over the past few months, several other prominent critics of Islamic extremism have received similar warning letters from Twitter’s legal department, including Saudi-Canadian activist Ensaf Haidar, the wife of imprisoned Saudi blogger Raif Badawi; Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, an Iranian-born Muslim scholar and reform advocate from Australia; Jamie Glazov, a Russian-born Canadian columnist who just released a new book called “Jihadist Psychopath”; and Pamela Geller, an anti-jihad blogger and activist,” Malkin said.
Big League Politics contributor and activist Laura Loomer was also suspiciously banned by the platform after criticism of Rep. Ilham Omar (D-Minn.), a practicing Muslim.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, a Sharia Law country, owns the second-largest share of the Silicon Valley titan. His share of the company is larger than that of Twitter’s co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey.
Malkin has refused to bend, despite Twitter’s bogus warning.
Malkin’s article concludes:
Paypal’s CEO admitted this week that he relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s powerful smear machine for input on which conservatives to blacklist in order to uphold the company’s alleged values of “diversity and inclusion.”
SPLC’s de-Paypal’d victims include Tommy Robinson, an English anti-jihad activist; VDARE, a nationalist immigration news and commentary site that publishes my syndicated column; and Gavin McInnes, a humorist, social critic and media entrepreneur whose fans have raised nearly $140,000 at for his powerful defamation lawsuit against the SPLC. McInnes was also de-Twittered and temporarily de-YouTube’d.
Deplatforming dissenting voices is a ruthless, bizarre and unprogressive way to achieve “diversity and inclusion.” So is conspiring with repressive regimes that are hell-bent on destroying the West. Twitter has become America’s version of Islam’s morality police — the dreaded “mutaween” (Arabic for “the one who makes others obey”).
I will not. As an American citizen who is subject to America’s laws — not Pakistan’s or Mohammed’s — I’ll retweet my harmless little Mo cartoons to my 2.1 million followers every day from now on and stand with other targets on the side of free speech and free thought. How about you, Twitter?



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