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SOMEONE DID IT: Liberal Matt Damon plans to leave US for Australia to get away from Trump

Drum roll, please…
The first celebrity in Trump’s America to leave the states is … Matt Damon.
Damon is reportedly packing up his family and heading to Australia because he’s had enough of President Donald Trump and his administration.
The 47-year-old actor reportedly purchased a new property in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph reported although the actor is denying this is due to Trump.

A friend of the actor told Page Six that Damon has been vocal about his displeasure with Trump’s policies and that the move will have no effect on future projects.
Matt’s saying the move will not impact his work – as he will travel to wherever his projects are shooting,” claimed a source. “He’s also telling friends he wants to have a safe place to raise his kids.”
Recently, Damon made some regretful comments about the #MeToo movement when he said allegations should only be judged on the “spectrum of behavior.” Whatever that means.
To see more from Pat, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “Pat Gray Unleashed” with Pat Gray weekdays 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET, only on TheBlaze Radio Network.


Elementary School Teacher Bans 1st-Graders from Saying “Jesus” or G-d”, but Allah is OK

We have to accommodate Muslim students. But, Christian students can consider themselves lucky if they don’t get sent home for bad behavior for saying they love Jesus.

Which is crazy considering over 5 public schools have already installed special prayer rooms for Muslim Students, and the law forces schools in Michigan to let students pray to Allah 5 times a day. Yet, no such considerations or accommodations are offered to Christian children these days.

Some of the parents are understandably outraged and calling for attention to be drawn to this horrible attack on freedom of speech in our schools.

Parents at McCordsville Elementary School are furious over a 1st-grade teacher sending students home with a letter demanding the kids stop mentioning “God”, “Jesus”, or praying on school property.
According to a release from the school, a debate about God took place in a first grade classroom earlier this week. In response to the debate, the teacher wrote a letter about expectations in the classroom and sent it to parents. The letter talked about school language and asked parents to have a “talk” with their children about the appropriate time and place to talk about religion.

FOX59 obtained the letter from a parent of one of the students in the class, which reads in part:
“With Mccordsville Elementary being a public school, we have many different religions and beliefs, and I do not want to upset a child or parent because of these words being used.”

Muslim Students At Public School Walk Out When NATIONAL ANTHEM Plays

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Muslims NEVER assimilate! They will NEVER be apart of another country. STOP the invasion before its too late.
DAILYMAIL: A primary school has been slammed for allowing young Muslim pupils to walk out of assembly when the national anthem is played.
Pupils at Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School, south of Melbourne in Victoria, were given the opportunity to leave the hall in order to observe a religious month of mourning.
But the move has prompted a furious response from parents and politicians who criticised the ‘disgusting’ decision, saying all Australians should be ‘proud’ to sing the anthem.

Lorraine McCurdy, who has two grandchildren at the school, told 3AW that she ‘saw red’ when around 30 or 40 pupils got up and left the assembly during Advance Australia Fair.
‘Two children got up and said `welcome to our assembly’ with that a teacher came forward and said all those who feel it’s against their culture may leave the room,’ Ms McCurdy said.
‘With that about 30 or 40 children got up and left the room. I saw red. I felt ‘you don’t walk out on my national anthem’.’
Jacqui Lambie, an Independent senator for Tasmania, also voiced her surprise, saying: ‘I find these schools that are allowing this to happen disgusting.’

Muslims whine that singing the national anthem is “forced assimilation” and it offends them

Uh, yeah. Because if you don’t adopt our values, eventually you will subvert the law. A nation of people without shared values will eventually collapse into dissolution and probably civil war.
Image result for Muslims whine that singing the national anthem is “forced assimilation” and it offends them
By Robert Spencer
“Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir decries ‘forced Muslim assimilation,’” by Ean Higgins, The Australian,
Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem, and the citizenship pledge supporting democratic values, are part of an oppressive campaign by Australian authorities of “forced assimilation” of the Muslim community, a conference heard this morning.
The conference held by Islamist activist group Hizb ut-Tahrir entitled “Innocent Until Proven Muslim” is taking place at Bankstown in Sydney’s west, attended by about 800 people.
Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar told the conference the Australian government “claims to afford freedom, but seeks to impose values and beliefs” on Muslims.
Muslims were expected to not just be gracious about Australian values, but publicly promote them, Mr Badar said.
This imposition of secular western values was reflected in the oath when taking out citizenship, Mr Badar said, with new citizens required to pledge allegiance to Australia “whose democratic beliefs I share”.
“It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values,” Mr Badar told the conference.

Do You Support A Restaurants Right To Refuse To Provide Special Foods For Muslims?

Fast food chains McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), and Pizza Hut have all REJECTED a request from an Islamic Imam to have Islam-approved meat served in their chains.

Image result for Do You Support A Restaurants Right To Refuse To Provide Special Foods For Muslims?

In Hong Kong, Mufti Muhammad Arshad contacted these popular, global chains demanding they use “halal meat” to please Muslims. He said it would be a “screwed business move,” too.

Halal is an Arabic word that means “permissible.” Halal meat comes from an animal slaughtered according to Islamic law. That means Allah’s (God’s) name must be pronounced during slaughter, the instrument used must be very sharp (the animal must be slit at the throat), the animal must not be unconscious, and it must be hung upside down and allowed to bleed dry.

In other words, it’s an extra-painful process for the animals. No pork prepared in any way is allowed, neither are certain parts of other animals (such as the rear end).

“It’s disappointing that we could not convince the companies,” Arshad said. “It doesn’t have to be Hong Kong-wide. In the main areas, like Central, Wan Chai, Tsim Sha Tsui, the New Territories and at the airport, it would be a great service. The companies have to realise there is a need for this and that it is good business for them.”

Tourism sector lawmaker Paul Tse Wai-chun said he would welcome anything that would increase the diversity of Hong Kong and cater for people from different religious backgrounds. He said it would also be good for local businesses.


Alabama Governor Defends Signing Abortion Ban and Doesn’t Care if Hollywood Boycotts Her State

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey defended signing an abortion ban in her state. And she essentially doesn’t care if Hollywood boycotts Alabama because she believes people will come visit the southern state anyway.
Last week, Ivey signed signed the bill into law that would make aborting unborn babies a felony and put abortionists in prison for life for killing unborn babies.
In her statement announcing her decision to sign the bill, Ivey points to the fact that the bill “was approved by overwhelming majorities in both chambers” of the state’s legislature.

“Many Americans, myself included, disagreed when Roe v. Wade was handed down in 1973. The sponsors of this bill believe that it is time, once again, for the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit this important matter, and they believe this act may bring about the best opportunity for this to occur,” Ivey said in her statement.

Today, reporters asked Ivey about signing the bill and if she regretted the decision given the opposition from Democrats and the liberal media.
“The Legislature has spoken,” she said. “It underscores the sanctity of life the people of Alabama value so highly.”

Asked whether or not she was concerned that Hollywood liberals or others on the left would boycott Alabama over the pro-life legislation, Ivey said she’s not worried.
“Alabama has a lot of different variety of things to visit and enjoy and our visitors will continue to come,” Ivey said.

Some of the criticism from Hollywood has been disgusting, such as the offensive tweet from so-called comedian Jim Carrey, which depicted her as an unborn baby getting her brains sucked out.
The bill represents the views of Alabama voters. Last year Alabamans voted 6-40 for a ballot amendment that says unborn babies have a right to life. 55% of the voters were women, according to figures from the Alabama Secretary of State.

State House Bill 314, sponsored by Rep. Terri Collins, R-Decatur, would make an abortion and attempted abortion a felony. Exceptions would be allowed if the mother’s life is at risk. Mothers would not be punished for having an abortion under the legislation, which would make killing a baby in an abortion a Class A felony — punishable by life or 10 to 99 years in prison for abortionists who kill them.

Lawmakers approved the ban on a 25-6 vote late Tuesday. The legislation will take effect six months unless a court stops it. The Republican-dominated House of Representatives voted 74-3 in favor of the proposal.

Although abortion activists claim the bill targets women, the language of the bill makes it clear that’s not the case: “This bill would provide that a woman who receives an abortion will not be held criminally culpable or civilly liable for receiving the abortion.”

Muslims Demand That ‘Offensive’ Crosses Be Removed…From CATHOLIC School

Image result for Muslims Demand That ‘Offensive’ Crosses Be Removed…From CATHOLIC School

A complaint that says crosses at Catholic school are “offensive”, and prevent Muslim prayers, has been filed against Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
It is only the latest in an endless series of demands for Sharia Law adherence by Muslims in America.

The complaint to the Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights, filed by a leftist professor from rival George Washington University, says there are “too many crosses in every room of Catholic University” which is a “human rights violation that prevents Muslim students from praying there.”
Baffled Catholic University officials say they have never received a complaint from any of the schools Muslim students, but in fact, a prior complaint from active students is ongoing (see Hannity video below).
Banzhaf, who already has a pending lawsuit against the university over ending its policy of allowing mixed-gender dormitories and has a history of filing civil rights suits on such topics as childhood obesity and smoking, filed the complaint alleging that Muslim students are not given their own prayer rooms.


The total collapse of Sweden, and why every westerner should be paying close attention to their demise

CBN News released a video earlier this year which few people have seen, but  is incredibly powerful.
It’s all about Sweden… and immigration. For decades, Sweden has accepted more immigrants than the UK, France, and all the other Northern European countries combined.

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It has been one of the most immigrant friendly countries in the world – a title many leftists in the US wish was ours. But what happens to a country that welcomes everyone, all the time, regardless of who they are, where they came from, or why they’re moving in? Check out this video. It could be the most important 7 minutes of your day:

“The main problem in Sweden is that these facts are not openly discussed. The right, and the left, and the media, they’ve formed an iron cartel to basically censor negative facts about immigration and sort of highlight positive spin on this issue.” Sound familiar?
“If you say immigration is bad for the economy, you’re saying the same thing as the skinheads, so maybe you’re a racist… The social truth wins over the factual truth.”
Social truth. Social justice. What ever happened to actual truth? Actual justice? Are those still things?
And while yes, most of the immigrants coming to Sweden are Muslims, the overall immigration issue addressed here is much deeper. If we’ll let them, the simple facts from the video speak for themselves.
  • Jews are fleeing Swedish cities due to the dangers of violent anti-semitism.
  • Schools are not only failing, they’re also not safe for children.
  • Sweden has the fastest growing income gap (think wage inequality) in the world.
  • Free speech is being squelched.
  • Their economy is shrinking.
  • Segregation is rampant.
Sweden’s not creating a utopia with its free and democratic welfare state. It’s driving itself into oblivion.