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Twitter Warns Michelle Malkin That She Has Violated Sharia Law, Comes with Death Penalty

Author and political commentator Michelle Malkin was stunned to receive a message from Twitter legal advising her to seek legal counsel after she allegedly violated Pakistani law by tweeting a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed. Publishing images of Muhammad is strictly forbidden by Islamic law and violations are punishable by imprisonment or death. The Pakistani government is surely pleased that Twitter delivered the death threat to Malkin for them.
Aside by being co-founded by a Leftist, Twitter may also have started enforcing Sharia law because Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, which is governed by Sharia Law, owns the second-largest share of the platform. His share of the company is even larger than that of Twitter’s co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey.
Activist Laura Loomer was banned by Twitter after criticizing Rep. Ilham Omar (D-Minn.), a practicing Muslim.
Turn the page for full details and the mentioned tweets.

After Michelle Malkin sent out a tweet depicting Mohammed in cartoon form she received a notice from the Twitter legal department that she in violation of Pakistani Sharia Law. The platform advised her to obtain legal counsel because of the complaints they have received from Muslims.
“I’ve been  -ed. Here’s the notice Twitter’s legal dept sent me last week, warning me to get legal counsel because anti-blasphemy Muslim zealots complained that my Mohammed Cartoons tweet violates Pakistan’s laws,” Malkin said.

I've been -ed. Here's the notice Twitter's legal dept sent me last week, warning me to get legal counsel because anti-blasphemy Muslim zealots complained that my Mohammed Cartoons tweet violates Pakistan's laws. @miss9afi @Imamofpeace

Malkin posted a photo of the email from the micro-blogging giant, which told her that a 2015 Tweet “is in violation of Pakistan law. The Tweet in question features cartoon drawings of the false Islamic prophet prophet Mohammed:
Turn to the final page for Malkin’s response.

In an article published this month, Malkin says she’s been “Silicon Valley sharia’d” after Twitter acted as Pakistani police, sending her notice that her Tweet from 2015 had violated Sharia law.
“My innocuous tweet featured a compilation image of the 12 Muhammad cartoons published by Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005,” Malkin said in a post on her website. “It also linked to my Jan. 8, 2015, syndicated column on the Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre in Paris. There’s no hate, violence, profanity or pornography, just harmless drawings and peacefully expressed opinions about the Western media’s futile attempts to appease the unappeasable enforcers of sharia law, which bans all insults of Islam.”
Images of the prophet Mohammed are strictly prohibited by Islamic law, which is effectively the law of the land in Pakistan.
Malkin is not the first Twitter user to be threatened by the company for criticizing Islam.
“Over the past few months, several other prominent critics of Islamic extremism have received similar warning letters from Twitter’s legal department, including Saudi-Canadian activist Ensaf Haidar, the wife of imprisoned Saudi blogger Raif Badawi; Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, an Iranian-born Muslim scholar and reform advocate from Australia; Jamie Glazov, a Russian-born Canadian columnist who just released a new book called “Jihadist Psychopath”; and Pamela Geller, an anti-jihad blogger and activist,” Malkin said.
Big League Politics contributor and activist Laura Loomer was also suspiciously banned by the platform after criticism of Rep. Ilham Omar (D-Minn.), a practicing Muslim.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud of Saudi Arabia, a Sharia Law country, owns the second-largest share of the Silicon Valley titan. His share of the company is larger than that of Twitter’s co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey.
Malkin has refused to bend, despite Twitter’s bogus warning.
Malkin’s article concludes:
Paypal’s CEO admitted this week that he relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s powerful smear machine for input on which conservatives to blacklist in order to uphold the company’s alleged values of “diversity and inclusion.”
SPLC’s de-Paypal’d victims include Tommy Robinson, an English anti-jihad activist; VDARE, a nationalist immigration news and commentary site that publishes my syndicated column; and Gavin McInnes, a humorist, social critic and media entrepreneur whose fans have raised nearly $140,000 at for his powerful defamation lawsuit against the SPLC. McInnes was also de-Twittered and temporarily de-YouTube’d.
Deplatforming dissenting voices is a ruthless, bizarre and unprogressive way to achieve “diversity and inclusion.” So is conspiring with repressive regimes that are hell-bent on destroying the West. Twitter has become America’s version of Islam’s morality police — the dreaded “mutaween” (Arabic for “the one who makes others obey”).
I will not. As an American citizen who is subject to America’s laws — not Pakistan’s or Mohammed’s — I’ll retweet my harmless little Mo cartoons to my 2.1 million followers every day from now on and stand with other targets on the side of free speech and free thought. How about you, Twitter?



Trump threatens to close southern border over migrant surge

President Donald Trump on Thursday threatened to close the U.S.-Mexico border, complaining that Mexico and several Central American countries were not doing enough to prevent the wave of migrants flooding north toward the U.S., an influx that border officials say is straining their resources. 

 “Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our Country. They are all talk and no action,” Trump tweeted. “Likewise, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have taken our money for years, and do Nothing. The Dems don’t care, such BAD laws. May close the Southern Border!”

The president’s threat and his renewed gripes about Mexico and so-called Northern Triangle governments come as the number of migrant families arrested at the border soared this month, putting immigration officials at what U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan called a “breaking point.”  

McAleenan postponed an appearance before Congress on Wednesday to travel to the border, where he said the Border Patrol is on pace to arrest more than 55,000 family members in the month of March, a more than 500 percent increase over 2018 arrest levels.  

Trump has previously accused Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador of misusing U.S. aid meant for improving conditions on the ground, aid intended to prevent migrants from wanting to come to the U.S. in the first place. In December, the president threatened to cut off that aid altogether.

POLITICO reported earlier this week that confusion over Trump’s tweets has created a logjam in the White House budget office, preventing that aid money from being dispersed.  Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen traveled to Honduras on Wednesday to address the issue, meeting with Northern Triangle government leaders. 

There, Nielsen announced what she called “a HISTORIC agreement to confront the root causes of the crisis on our border.”  “Working with Central American govts to increase security & prosperity in the region has been one of my greatest priorities,” she tweeted.

 She did not go into detail.  Trump’s complaints also come amid the fight over his declaration of a national emergency at the southern border, which is set to stand after Congress failed to override his veto of lawmakers' effort to block the declaration. The battle is now being waged in the courts.

 He’s sought to shift billions of dollars from the Pentagon’s budget toward his efforts to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, a cornerstone promise of his 2016 presidential campaign.



The name Ashton Kutcher is synonymous with acting and his huge fan base indicates that he is no run-of-the-mill actor but one to be reckoned with. The actor who has a huge fan following will definitely increase the number of fans that he has with the new role that he is committed to; that of helping victims of human trafficking.
Kutcher’s non-profit organization Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children, of which his ex-wife Demi Moore is a co-founder, has taken a huge leap in helping victims of human trafficking. The organization’s efforts have been so effective that with their help, law enforcement has been able to identify 5,894 child sex trafficking victims. 103 children were also rescued from grievous situations of sexual abuse in 2017.
According to data published in the organization’s 2017 impact report, Thorn claims to have upset the plans of 6,608 perpetrators. Through its Stop Sextortion campaign, the organization has also been able to educate 3.5 million teens and has also encouraged more than 140,000 individuals who have been looking for material on child sexual abuse.
The organization which was previously called DNA foundation was started in 2009 with Demi Moore to try and put the brakes on the huge market that exploits children for sex. Kutcher realizes that this grievous issue has swelled to gigantic proportions in recent years because of the internet.

When speaking to 48 Hours about the work that he is doing he commented.
What we do at our core is we build technology to help fight sexual exploitation of children.” He went on to explain. “You can roll up your sleeves and go try to be like a hero and go save one person, or you can build a tool that allows one person to save a lot of people.”
In February 2017, Kutcher gave a 15-minute speech on modern-day slavery to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the hope of compelling Congress to take some concrete steps towards ending the horrors faced by women and children around the world.
In his speech, he not only spoke about the rights of these women and children that have constantly been violated but also touched upon how he has been trolled and criticized for the stand that he has taken. He has often been told to ‘stick to his day job’ by these critics but he says that what he does now and what his organization stands for is his day job.
He also recounted horrific incidents of young children under the age of ten being raped and content being shared on the dark internet. The Department of Homeland Security had also enlisted the help of his organization in trying to track down the perpetrator of a 7-year-old victim who they had been trying to nab for the past three years.


Obama`s Secret son Jussie Smollett Charges Dropped : 'Empire' Actor Maintains Innocence, Chicago Mayor and Police Blast Decision

Wondering why Jussie Smollett charges dropped? Simply because he`s Obama`s son.Lets start on the begginging .

Calling himself a man of faith, “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett said Tuesday that he felt vindicated after a stunning reversal by the Cook County State Attorney’s Office to drop all charges against him in an alleged hate crime hoax.
Smollett was accused of faking an anti-black, anti-gay hate crime in Chicago in order to drum up publicity for his role on the Fox drama.
News of the dropped charges came as a surprise to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendant Eddie Johnson. Both men angrily pushed back at the decision.
“From top to bottom, this is not on the level,” Emanuel told reporters at an afternoon news conference.
"Our officers did hard work day in and day out, countless hours workign to unwind what actually happened that night. The city saw its reputation dragged through the mud ... It's not just the officers' work, but the work of the grand jury that made a decision based on only a sliver of the evidence [presented]," he continued. "Because of the judge's decision, none of that evidence will ever be made public."
Johnson added, "If someone ever falsely accused me [of a crime], I would never hide behind a brokered deal and secrecy."
Smollett, who posed with fans outside the courthouse soon after the news was announced, thanked his friends and family for standing by him. He also thanked the state of Illinois for "attempting to do what's right."
“Not for a moment was it in vain. I’ve been truthful and consistent on every level since day one,” he said. “I would not be my mother’s son if I was capable of one drop of what I was accused of."
Smollett called the attack and the months that followed "an incredibly difficult time."
"Honestly, one of the worst of my entire life," he said. "But I am a man of faith and I'm a man that has knowledge of my history and I would not bring my family, our lives, or the movement into a fire like this. I just wouldn't. Now I'd like nothing more than to just get back to work and move on with my life. But make no mistake, I will always continue to fight for justice, equality and betterment of marginalized people everywhere."
A rep for 20th Century Fox Television and Fox Entertainment, which produces and distributes "Empire," responded with a statement shortly after hearing the stunning news: "Jussie Smollett has always maintained his innocence and we are gratified on his behalf that all charges against him have been dismissed.”
Jussie Smollett and 'Empire' creator Lee Daniels.
Jussie Smollett and 'Empire' creator Lee Daniels. ((Photo by Daniel Zuchnik/WireImage))
Smollett was initially charged with one count of lying to the authorities on Feb. 20. A few days later, a grand jury indicted him on 16 felony counts of lying to authorities — eight counts for what he told the officer who responded to the report of the Jan. 29 attack in downtown Chicago, and eight counts for what he later told a detective about being the victim of a brutal racist and homophobic beating by two masked men.
Smollett claimed two men beat him, poured bleach on him and placed a rope around his neck before yelling, "This is MAGA country."
A week before the alleged attack, Smollett told authorities he received a threatening letter at work. Chicago police pushed back and accused Smollett of faking the letter as well.
The United States Postal Inspection Service told Fox News in a statement on Tuesday that it "is working closely with our law enforcement partners on this investigation."
"We are unable to provide any additional comment at this time," the statement added.
"Empire" actor Jussie Smollett, center, when he arrived at Leighton Criminal Court Building on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, in Chicago.(AP Photo/Matt Marton)
"Empire" actor Jussie Smollett, center, when he arrived at Leighton Criminal Court Building on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, in Chicago.(AP Photo/Matt Marton)
Fox News learned the judge on Tuesday granted a nolle pros, which essentially means that the case has been dropped and that Smollett will no longer be prosecuted for the alleged crime.
It’s unclear at this time why the court decided not to proceed with prosecution.
Typically, a minimum condition of dropping cases is some acceptance of responsibility. In a statement, the Cook County prosecutors' office offered no detailed explanation.
"After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case," the statement from spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said.
Smollett paid $10,000 in bail to get out of jail after his arrest.
Among the unanswered questions was whether prosecutors still believe Smollett concocted the attack and whether new evidence emerged that altered their view of events.
According to local reports, CPD chief Johnson was blindsided by Tuesday’s events. 
According to local reports, CPD chief Johnson was blindsided by Tuesday’s events.  (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford)
Doubt was cast on the open-and-shut nature of the case when Fraternal Order of Police President Kevin Graham wrote the Justice Department following reports that Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx asked Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to let the FBI investigate Smollett's allegations that he was attacked by two masked men after the former chief of staff to former first lady Michelle Obama allegedly informed Foxx that Smollett's family had concerns about the probe.
According to local reports, Johnson was blindsided by Tuesday’s events and is expected to address the situation later in the day.
Smollett attorneys Tina Glandian and Patricia Brown Holmes said in a statement that Smollett's record "has been wiped clean."
Anne Kavanaugh, the crisis manager the actor hired, said Smollet is a “victim who was vilified and made to appear as a perpetrator as a result of false and inappropriate remarks made to the public causing an inappropriate rush to judgement.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.