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Eric Holder Suggests Using 25th Amendment to Remove President Trump

Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday called for members of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.
Amid a series of tweets commemorating the September 11 attacks, President Trump criticized the Justice Department, citing a quote from Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs. “ERIC Holder could be running the Justice Department right now and it would be behaving no differently than it is,” the president tweeted, citing Dobbs.

 In response, Holder accused President Trump of politizing the somber holiday. “This is not a day for the usual unhinged Trump politics,” Holder tweeted. “This is a day to remember the innocent Americans we lost and the brave first responders who gave their lives. They’re the best of America and we should honor their sacrifice.”
But the Obama-era Attorney General did not end the discussion there. Holder contended he led the Justice Department compassionately, fighting for health care and climate change, while standing up for agency careerists.
“Really?!’ he angrily replied to the same Trump tweet. “My DOJ would and did care. And continue to fight for protections for voting rights, health care, climate, LGBTQ rights, gun safety measures, criminal justice reform. Would stand up to Congressional hacks and for the career people at DOJ.”
Holder, echoing a common “resistance” talking point about being Donald Trump mentally unfit to be president, asked if the president and “Crazy Louie” were “nuts.” He concluded the tweet with the acronym “TFA,” which according to disgraced White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, is a reference to the evoking the 25th Amendment.
“Manigault Newman described the practice as something like a virtual eye-rolling about the boss, but the assertion comes just days after an anonymous op-ed in The New York Times suggested aides have considered invoking the 25th Amendment’s process of removing the president from office,” reported USA Today.
“We had a little hashtag, hashtag TFA, whenever he did something that was just so insane and so crazy and unhinged, when he would flip positions from one hour to the next, we’d just hashtag it ‘TFA’ and keep moving,” the Apprentice contestant told MSNBC in a recent interview.
The White House communications shop denied Manigault Newman’s claims.
“Everyone, even the media, knows she has no credibility. The idea this ever happened is completely ridiculous and just further shows that she will say and do anything to try and be relevant,” said White House press secretary Sarah Sanders. “It’s embarrassing for the press to keep giving her a platform.”

Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obamahigher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

President Donald Trump comes in fourth after President Bill Clinton and President Ronald Reagan, with 19 percent of Americans ranking him as the best or second best in their lifetimes.
While 19 percent might seem low, 20 percent of Americans ranked Obama as the best or second best president in 2011, at a similar point in his first term and the last time Pew conducted this poll.
Pew found that rankings changed by generation. More than 60 percent of millennials view Obama as the best or second best president of their lifetime and 46 percent name him as the best.

PHOTO: President Barack Obama waves to the press as he departs the White House for his week-long trip to Japan and Vietnam, May 21, 2016, in Washington, DC.Mike Theiler/Getty Images, FILE
President Barack Obama waves to the press as he departs the White House for his week-long trip to Japan and Vietnam, May 21, 2016, in Washington, DC.more +

Older Americans, baby boomers and the "silent generation," chose Reagan as the top president during their lives. Forty-two percent of 54 to 72-year-olds and 38 percent of 73 to 90-year-olds rank Reagan as the best or second best.
Partisanship also affects people’s choice of a top president, Pew found.
Among Democrats or Democratic-leaning Independents, 71 percent ranked Obama as the best or second best president. Clinton comes in second, with 49 percent ranking him as best or second best.

A majority of Republicans list Reagan as the top president, with 57 percent saying he’s the best of their lifetime. Trump comes in second among Republicans, with 40 percent naming him.
The survey was conducted from June 5-12 among 2,002 U.S. adults.


Donald Trump ranked worst president in US history by nearly 200 political scientists

early 200 of America's top political scientists have voted Donald Trump the worst president in US history.
According to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, Mr Trump ranks even lower than disgraced President Richard Nixon – even among conservatives. Abraham Lincoln, unsurprisingly, takes the top prize. Mr Nixon sits at 33.
The study, conducted every four years, surveys social science researchers from the American Political Science Association’s section on presidents and executive politics. It asks the experts to rank each president’s greatness on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being great, 50 being average, and 0 being a total failure.
Mr Trump averaged a score of 12.34, bumping James Buchanan – the president who saw the US descend into the Civil War – out of the bottom spot. The result comes just months after Trump finished his first year in office as the most unpopular president in modern history.
Mr Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, jumped 10 places since the survey was last conducted in 2014, to spot number eight. George W Bush also climbs in the rankings, making it five places up to number 30.
Bill Clinton did not fair was well as the other living presidents, dropping five places down to 14th. Only Andrew Jackson dropped more – down six places – possibly owing to increased attention on how he treated Native Americans.
The top seven presidents remained the exact same, with Abraham Lincoln on top, followed by George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower.
Mr Trump was accompanied in the bottom five by Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, William Harrison, and Mr Buchanan.
Researchers Brandon Rottinghaus, of the University of Houston, and Justin Vaughn, of Boise State University, said they surveyed 170 political science experts for the study. Of those experts, 57.2 per cent identified as Democrats, 12.7 per cent as Republicans, and 27.1 per cent as independents.
While Republicans and Democrats differed on how they viewed figures like Mr Obama and Mr Bush, they were in fairly close agreement on My Trump: Conservatives voted him 40th out of 45.
The one area where Mr Trump did come out on top was in the “most polarising” section, in which the researchers asked the scientists to list the five presidents they found most divisive. Mr Trump was ranked most polarising by 90 of the 170 respondents, and second-most polarising by another 20.

Source : YAHOO!